America’s Foundation is Under Attack


America’s foundation is Our ‘Law’ by Our

Constitution of the united States of America.


Our federal Constitution Republic ‘Law’ is written

1) to prevent the crime of treason in America before any

American citizen is seated to any government management

position to levy War against them; the crime of an individual

citizen “levying War against them”, “them” being two or more

American citizens as written in Our federal Constitution,

2) for We, the People to prosecute any government

employee after a criminal unknowingly sneaks into one

of Our government management position; for Our People

to prosecute all dis-loyal American citizens that ‘Unlawfully’

attempt to control Our American State citizens thru

involuntary servitude or slavery. is for America’s People

who want to make their life better through understanding

Our federal Constitution: Our “Law of the Land” written for

America’s People to protect themself as a united society.

Click on any blue link below to enter

this private site as a member.


Welcome to the world’s only public site

‘Lawfully’ explaining the crime of treason in America:

to expose individual government employees guilty of

treason in America’s government corporations by

their signature on ‘Unlawful’ documents.


By identifying government managers by their signature

on government documents, to then explain how they commit

treason against the American People, We can understand the

perfect evidence stored by the National Archives and Records

Administration to prosecute these criminals for treason;

which is the reason Treason is very seldom charged

by Our ‘Unlawful government prosecutors.


Today there are 2 million individuals employed

throughout America’s government corporations

that are guilt of this ‘Unlawful’, serious crime against

the American People. This site is for all People to learn

Our ‘Lawful’ procedure for changing the course of America’s

criminal management: then We can unite to peacefully remove

any criminals from one of Our corporate government positions,

to permanently store them in Our federal prison system.



Jerome Powell, the corporate fed. chairman is one

of the 2 million We need to imprison for treason with

the evidence to convict recorded by Our federal Congress:

as Our government management refuses to tell you

Our true situation, welcome to


America’s ratified federal Constitution is

a 4 page, 4400 word document establishing

America’s Republic ‘Law’ based upon

Our Declaration of Independence.


Our Declaration of Independence is

1) Our very short history report of events before July 4, 1776,

2) Our public statement Absolving all Allegiance to the british

crown, all contained in one hand written document.


America’s future relies on We, the People enforcing that

statement by establishing Our Republic government honoring

America’s ‘Law of the Land’ starting on March 4, 1789.


America’s ratified federal Constitution

established Our Republic government format:

Our Republic government format in which all ‘Lawful’

authority belongs to a body of People enfranchised to

vote; People that grant Our authority to Our ‘Lawfully’

placed elected or appointed representatives of the

People to perform ‘Lawful’ tasks, to govern u.S.

according to Our federal and State ‘Law’.


By America’s federal ‘Law’, by Our Republic

format, the People retain all authority to enforce

Our ‘Law’ and this site exposes with explanation

the fact Our federal government managers have no

‘Lawful’ authority ratified by the People to enforce Our

‘Law’ by prosecution; explaining that Our ‘Law’ is to

be enforced at Our State government level by Our

county sheriff given Our authority to enforce

Our ‘Law’ using a State trial by Jury, by

the demand of the local county People.


This site is for America’s People to learn how to ‘Lawfully’

enforce Our federal Constitution: to secure the removal of

documented criminals now managing Our federal, State and

county government corporations by publishing to all People Our

hidden government documents confirming treason in America,

documents that aren’t exposed by Our public schools now

legally controlled by Our government management.


Our federal Constitution of the united States of America

is a ratified parchment and ink document agreement outlining tasks We,

the People grant to Our government employees by describing their public

position requirements to protect the Life, Liberty and Happiness of We,

the People created equally; while We, the People retain all authority

for prosecution of any and all citizens violating Our federal

Constitution of the united States of America.

ratify: to approve and sanction formally.


Our federal Constitution is a ratified agreement

protecting all Human rights based upon Our beliefs that

all Human rights are granted by Our God in heaven.


We, the People of the united States

are losing Our ‘Lawful’ Republic Foundation,

losing Our Republic government because most Americans

haven’t read a true copy of Our federal Constitution or their

continuation State Constitution ‘Law’, to know how We, the

People are to enforce these Constitutions by prosecuting

citizens violating Our federal Constitution ‘Law’.

continuation: the fact of something

that increases or adds.


For We, the People to ensure Our Republic existence

We must understand how these Constitutions organize total

‘Law’ to establish Freedom for all Americans demanding Our

God given Rights: ‘Law’ for Americans willing to enforce

Our federal Constitution of the united States of America.


America’s federal, and all united State’s 1st edition Constitutions

are Our ‘Laws’ ratified by Our People, yet ink on parchment or paper do not

automatically guarantee Our American birth rights. All honest Americans must

learn ‘why‘ America’s ‘1789’ federal Constitution was negotiated, to know ‘how

Benjamin Franklin prohibited usurpation of government authority by Our

government managers, abuse similar to sovereign british monarch acts

causing most of the suffering endured by Colonial America’s People

as listed in America’s ‘1776’ Declaration of Independence.

usurpation: the act of taking control

of something without having the right to.


Loyal American People will never receive ‘Lawful’

justice from Our legal management until We

understand Our federal and State Constitution ‘Law’. explains how We, the People ‘must’ unite

and enforce Our Constitution ‘Law’ to establish, stand

up America’s Republic by Our Constitution ‘Law’

not fully explained in America’s public schools:

Our ‘Law’ not exposed to Our youth ‘is’ explained

here for u.S. to unite and save Our American existence.

establish: to institute something, permanently.

institute: to initiate, start a new course in history. explains 234+ years of legal

government fraud by publishing digital document links:

for you to identify individual acts of government corruption

by understanding how treason in America is committed

by individual citizens against the American People;

the prohibited act of “levying War against them”.


The solution to Our current problems in America is

very near at hand through your local county government 

by demanding Our ‘Lawful’ State Jury level solution.


There is a crime syndicate now in control of Our

American government corporations, with all members

committing the same ‘Unlawful’ violation of treason to

gain their government employment, so this site explains

Our ‘Lawful’ State Jury level solution to prosecute for

conviction all syndicate members for impeachment: 

for ‘You’ to take your place in ‘Saving Our Republic’.


This site explains one criminal violation of Our

federal ‘Law’ for State prosecution by your county Jury, 

with instructions for you to secure all needed evidence

for a criminal conviction for treason in America:

Our ‘Lawful’ prosecution procedure using ‘Lawful’

evidence stored by Our federal and State government

management to convict your criminals locally.

only one conviction is required to

disqualify any citizen from government

employment in America


Treason in America is not a monetary

value crime like bribery and counterfeiting, so

learning how dis-loyal citizens individually commit

treason “against them” exposes why and how each

criminal is ‘Unlawfully” protected from prosecution by

one federal legal document adopted ‘Unlawfully’.

 the international crime syndicate leader responsible

for the ‘Unlawful’, legal document is a foreign

country leader, not an American citizen


Join us here…


Two of Our digital document downloads are

1) a known true digital image copy of America’s federal Constitution from

the National Archives and Records Administration; available for site

members to carry on their phone, computer or by paper printing,

2) a digital transcript of Our federal Constitution from the same source

for clarity and ease of reading or download when needed;

accompanied by explanations of

Our federal Constitution protection procedures

based upon government document pdf links,

with instruction on how to get your

own original document copies.


Our 1789 federal Constitution is Our most important yet

least appreciated government document ever written. Today as

throughout the last 234 years Our kids are not taught the details of

this single document written to protect them from criminals managing

Our federal and State government corporations. Our ignorance can be

replaced with knowledge for freedom when the American People

discover their misplaced federal Constitution on public

display in Washington, D.C., in the rotunda of Our

National Archives and Records Administration build. is to educate America’s citizens,

to defend yourself against domestic government corporation

management, by providing you quick access to America’s

Constitution ‘Law’ when being ‘Unlawfully’

confronted by government staff.


When you can’t access America’s federal Constitution

on the same type of devices being used against you by foreign

corporation legal officers charging you with their pretend legal

rulings, you aren’t being granted ‘Lawful’ justice as your birth

right, your ‘Lawful’ right to Freedom by Our ‘1789’ federal

Constitution of the united States of America.


America’s Republic Constitution procedure to manage Our

government employees has been temporarily suspended, ‘Unlawfully’

replaced in ‘1791’ by citizens in Our government guilty of treason that

signed one ‘Unlawful’ government document to prevent Our

enforcement of Our federal Constitution ‘Law’.

procedure: a particular way of accomplishing something, 

a series of steps followed in a regular definite order.

this ‘Unlawful’ procedural replacement document is

explained later in this site, and can be removed through

prosecuting identified Americans guilty of treason will connect seemingly unrelated government

manager actions by documents that fit together as puzzle pieces for

a picture exposing Our true American history of concealing treason to

prevent ‘Lawful’ prosecution by two citizens confirming the overt act:

America’s true history of individual government manager greed, that

requires Our constant declaration of war on something, is exposed

by using ‘Lawful’ document evidence recorded by Our federal

Congress since ‘1789’; documents now published here to

all People for understanding Our nation’s true history.


….for understanding why Americans invaded New Spain

16 years after Jefferson purchased Louisiana to establish

legal federal government trespass jurisdiction, for future

legal federal troop movements entering Arizona to protect

business holdings of Indiana politicians with Arizona

mining operations funding America’s civil war.


We, the People must unite to replace Our corporate government

managers, to expose the legal corporate shareholder owners of Our

current ‘Unlawful’ corporate government entities that require

America’s constant ‘State of War’ against someone, anything.


While America is at a legal ‘State of War’ Our current

legal government managers can legally remove u.S. citizens

from Our homes anytime; by signing ‘Unlawful’ legal documents

when Our ‘Unlawful’ managers feel ready to replace Our ‘Lawful’

citizens with ‘Unlawful’ homeless aliens now crossing Our

federal borders for their protected mercenary status by

legal judges authorizing nationwide movement with

legal government subsidy payments to the aliens.

mercenary: one that serves merely for wages,

especially a soldier hired into foreign service.


Learn of the single ‘Unlawful’ federal document

that allows for Our legal population replacement, or

get ready to forfeit your home to a homeless alien.


If We fail to unite, refuse to work together the foreign

government corporation ‘State of War’ will never

end while the corporation stockholders’ profits grow.

-Our solution-

The legal ‘1871’ government corporation currently in

place can be quickly dissolved once Our People learn

of the older legal document the ‘1871’ government

corporation relies on for it’s ‘Unlawful’ existence, the

older legal document signed on December 15, 1791

by a man guilty of treason.


Once Our Jury convicts that dis-loyal ‘man’,

the legal ‘1871’ government corporation dies:

for u.S. to then dissolve Our remaining ‘Unlawful’ government

corporations by Our ‘Lawful’ prosecution of Our current legal

managers now controlling Our local county, State and

federal level government corporations:

‘Lawful’ prosecution as authorized by Our federal Constitution

thru exposing to Our ‘Lawful’ sheriff the evidence of treason that

is ‘Lawfully’ recorded by Our federal Congress as required by Our

federal Constitution; evidence identifying criminals to Our local

sheriff for their arrest then criminal trial before Our local

jury as ratified by America’s federal Constitution.

1) ratified: formally approved and

sanctioned by vote of the citizens.

2) formally: by the rules of Convention.

3) Convention: a rule of conduct.


Our ‘Lawful’ solution for government corruption

was ratified 234 years ago: Our solution still waiting

for good People to find their ‘Lawful’ solution once

hidden by Our corporate government managers.


With only 3143 counties having 3080 local sheriffs, 340 million

citizens can secure ‘Law’ in their county with help from Our most

powerful ‘Law’ enforcement officer nation wide, Our public safety

enforcement officer Our corporate government managers fear due

to Our federal and State Constitution ‘Law’ protecting Our ‘Lawful’

State procedure to prosecute treason by document evidence Our

current managers don’t want you to find, ‘Lawful’ documents

now exposed to site members with instructions to help all

People find their ‘Lawful’ original county, State

and federal document evidence copies.


Learn why America’s federal Constitution prohibits treason:

the only crime defined by America’s federal Constitution; the only crime

Our government managers fear because treason against the American

People can be prosecuted by We, the People with no government judge

or prosecutor required to be in attendance by ‘Law’ unless a prosecutor

or judge is the named individual citizen charged with treason.


America’s definition of treason is

opposite the definition used in england!

The ‘1789’ American definition of treason as written in Article 3

of Our federal Constitution requires Our National Census Clause as

written in Article 1 of Our federal Constitution, and this site explaining

these details ‘is’ to teach Our American citizens how to convict then

impeach all criminals guilty of treason from Our county, State and

federal government positions; to put on notice all citizens currently

ignoring Our federal ‘Law’ that We, the American People

understand Our federal Constitution ‘Law’ and We

‘are’ demanding enforce of Our federal ‘Law’ to

close Our Nation’s borders, to protect Our

families by stopping all ‘Unlawful’ alien invasions.


All Americans must understand why dis-loyal citizens guilty

of treason must ignore America’s current open border situation

for their individual protection from prosecution for treason, that

for America to close Our borders We, the People must unite to

convict all American citizens guilty of treason as defined

in Article 3 of Our federal Constitution:

“Treason against the United States, shall consist

only in levying War against them, or in adhering

to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

“War against them” refers to

War against We, the People.


Join us here…


We, the People can easily close Our international borders to

unwanted foreign invaders by removing from Our government

management all dis-loyal Americans guilty of treason.


By Our federal Constitution of the united States of America

We, the People can take ‘Lawful’ control of Our county and State managers,

giving the criminals in Washington, D.C. no safe place to hide outside their

D.C. sanctuary, so when they leave their district sanctuary office We can

arrest them locally to convict them for immediate disqualification

from government employment, then impeach them from

Our government position, problem solved.

sanctuary: a place of refuge and protection.


Our individual enfranchised Right to prosecute treason as a

Republic State citizen is the fear leading to the ‘Unlawful’ D.O.J.,

one of hundreds of ‘Unlawful’ corporate government departments

formed to usurp Our individual citizen Right to prosecute treason;

one of the many federal and State departments created by

dis-loyal American citizens guilty of treason to

defend their fellow B.A.R. crime syndicate

members against treason prosecution.

fellow: a member of a group

having common characteristics.


If you don’t know America’s federal Constitution ‘Law’

welcome to, published to unite America’s People

into local groups for using Our ‘Law’ through knowing Our ‘Law’

to prosecute Our government managers violating Our ‘Law’:

Our ‘Law’ that Our pretend prosecutors and

judges hope you never discover.


Members of welcome your desire to ‘Live Our

American Dream’ free of government usurpation when We, the People

throughout America form local groups focused on establishing true local

‘Law’ enforcement to replace the legal foreign corporation management

currently, ‘Unlawfully’ controlling Our government actions today.


As soon as ‘your’ local member group unites, a staff member from can schedule travel to ‘Your’ area for seminar meetings

to help organize ‘Your’ local group prosecution of ‘Your’ local government

elephant ‘one bite at a time’ before ‘Your’ local State Jury for conviction:

to ‘stand up’ Our Republic government format for local criminal

conviction(s) for treason are required to impeach

by Our federal Constitution Article 2.


Today People believe impeachment is Our answer,

without knowing Our federal Constitution process to first

convict the criminal to save Our country. We must learn

who‘ to convict ‘Lawfully’ and ‘how‘, then impeachment

becomes Our conclusion by Our ‘Lawful’ procedure.


Learn how your individual State citizenship Freedom

is protected by Our federal Constitution ‘after’ a conviction for

treason by ‘Your’ county Jury in ‘Your’ State hearing treason as

defined in federal Article 3, with federal Article 1 demanding

the immediate disqualification from government employment

upon conviction of treason, with federal Article 2 requiring

impeachment by Our federal Legislature; requiring by

federal ‘Law’ the impeachment ‘be’ recorded in both

federal Journals of Congress by federal Article 1

for permanent exposure and disclosure of

‘Lawful’ federal legislative action.


Once the American People of one State’s county publish

their ‘Lawful’ conviction for treason thru their ‘Lawful’

sheriff to Our federal Legislature, to demand Our ‘Lawful’

federal impeachment process, the American People of

neighboring State counties will ask what happened?


To then ask How did you get the ‘Lawful’ conviction?

Which will start a county by county, nationwide movement

crossing State borders to establish America’s Republic format

one State’s county at a time……or you can chose to wait for the

legal government document demanding you leave your home

so a grateful foreign alien (legally here) with the support

of a legal judge can move in.

learn Our ‘Law’ now,

or be legally removed later

chose: to select freely and

after consideration.


Learn to use America’s federal Constitution 

1) to protect your family from rogue government employees,

2) to discover why We, the People don’t require pretend

prosecutors or judges to convict and impeach

criminals for treason. is aligned with another private website publishing

government employee payroll records listing government positions by

zip code location, job title and salary. All citizens can find identity

information for their local government managers thru the

additional site hyperlink detailing millions of government

positions for employee prosecution when needed.

identify: establish the identity of a criminal.

Identity information is critical for the conviction for treason,

and easy to locate with the instructions provided by


Americans will experience Freedom after citizens of one county

send their written request for impeachment of a local criminal to their

federal Representative upon conviction of treason, informing all federal

Legislators that a local group of People honored their responsibility

for conviction of treason and demand their federal district

Representative apply the penalty of impeachment by

Our federal Constitution ‘Law’. is for all People wanting to learn

America’s hidden history of recorded crime to then administer

‘Lawful’ solutions to America’s corrupt management now

stealing Our integrity and Freedom thus Our country. costs $17.76 providing

you one year of member access

1) to true digital images of America’s ‘Law’

documents with explanations,

2) to ‘Lawful’, recorded document evidence

of treason archived throughout both Journals

of Congress from March 4, 1789 until now,

3) to confirm Our ‘1789’ federal Constitution of the

united States of America is still alive for Our use today,

while currently in hibernation allowing government

management oppression of the American People.

Let’s awaken America’s federal Constitution.


We, the People are the future Jury and here is Our truth for

all American citizens to prepare for their place on their local county jury

by learning Our federal Constitution ‘Law’. Parents must learn Our ‘Lawful’

procedures to establish a Republic future for their kids, and the annual site

price is kept low for Our kids to have on their device when at school for

their learning; for their complete education thus future protection to

prevent this criminal situation of treason in America’s future.

protect: to shield from exposure,

injury, damage, or destruction.


America’s Journals of Congress images published here

are Our evidence for citizens to successfully prosecute treason before

their local Jury. Our Congressional Journals have Constitution pedigree

with unbroken custodian history since March 4, 1789 and the

originality of these Journals has never been questioned.

have: possess, own, or hold.


During the 1812 war Our Journals of Congress where

moved to Virginia for protection before british troops temporarily

captured Washington, D.C. and set fire to Our House of Congress

to destroy Our evidence of treason in America by attempting

to destroy America’s Journals of Congress stored inside.


This site exposes why british troops spent 2

years fighting to capture Our nation’s capital 

to destroy Our evidence of treason in America;

their only reason to invade America in 1812,

before retuning to england in 1814.


By learning how the british corporate crime

syndicate operates you’ll understand the orders

to the british troops in 1814 when they attempted

to hide the crime of treason in America by burning

Our evidence. You’ll know why the british monarch

was attempting to control America’s manufacturing

production, as Our domestic capacity is critically

important to subjects of other countries.


Learn why America’s domestic manufacturing

of products consumed in America has been moved

to countries supporting the current alien invaders;

when years ago Our economy was growing steadily,

as We produced Our own high quality products.


Learn how We must apply Our federal Constitution ‘Law’,

through exposing Our Journals of Congress to Our local jury, to

manage Our government employees by enforcing Our federal

and State Constitutions to secure Our Republic Freedom.

enforce: to carry out effectively.

secure: free from danger, affording

safety, free from risk of loss. is Our best ‘Defense’ against

corrupt corporate government management because

1789 is Our unbeatable ‘Offense’ by

learning how to ‘Lawfully’ prosecute treason with perfect

evidence by known ‘Lawful’ government documents.


Site members can explore cabinet tabs containing drop-

down drawers with folders containing pages that explain:

1) How America’s ‘Law’ for Our Republic was assembled,

2) How Our ‘Law’ is organized for We, the People to

control Our corporate government management,

3) How criminals working in Our government

positions use pretend legal legislation replacing

Our ‘Law’ to legally enslave Our American People.


When asked what government format

Our ‘1787’ Constitution Convention delegates

adopted for Our American People’s ratification,

Benjamin Franklin replied: 

“A Republic, if you can keep it”.


Benjamin Franklin negotiated Our protected Journals of Congress

in Article 1 of Our Republic’s federal Constitution to protect America’s

People from all foreign corporation government usurpation to prevent

further escalation of Our American Revolution which continues in

silent secrecy; a Revolution that is crippling America today.

escalation: to increase in extent, intensity, or scope.

“a little war threatens to escalate into a huge ugly one”,

Arnold Abrams.


Join us here…

Join to discover your Freedom by Our

federal Constitution ‘Law’, to learn how Our Congressional

Journals must be used: Journals never used as evidence

in America’s history because of incomplete public

education protecting government managers.


Please ask your friends

1) to join you as site members,

2) to join your local Freedom group,

3) to learn Our nation’s ‘Law’ protecting

Our God given Freedom,

4) to help establish America’s Republic

as negotiated by Benjamin Franklin,

5) to institute Our federal Constitution

of the united States of America.

institute: a society or organization having a

particular object or common factor, to set in motion

or establish something, a system, especially concerning ‘Law’.

Join us here…