Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I save my username and password so that I don’t have to type it in every time I log in?

A: Yes – on the ‘Member Login’ page you can enter your username, then your password, select the ‘Remember Me’ option – then click the ‘submit’ button.


Q: I logged in with my username and password, but I still cannot access content on the first page I looked at – why?

A: When you try to visit a page with locked content you will be required to log in – once you have logged in, you are taken back to the home page. Go back to the page you were trying to access – refresh your browser and that content should now be accessible.


Q: I logged in successfully, accessed various pages throughout the website with no trouble and walked away from my device for a short period of time – when I returned, I was no longer able to access the site content – why?

A: For security reasons, when a user is ‘inactive’ for a period of time, that user may be logged out to prevent ‘unauthorized’ access to site content. Sometimes this is triggered by the security/privacy settings within your device and other times by the security/privacy settings on our servers. Just log back in…


Q: I completed the payment process, but I never received my ‘registration’ email – why?

A: It is possible that the ‘registration’ email ended up in the ‘spam’ or ‘junk’ folders in your email software – please check there first. It is also possible that the email address you are using does not match the email address associated with your Paypal account. If you think that might be a possibility, please confirm that email association. If you are still having difficulties, please submit a support ticket here and we will resend the ‘registration’ email.

NOTE: When all else fails – and you are certain you have logged in with the proper credentials, please ‘refresh’ the page you are trying to access or open a new tab in your browser to access that or other website content.


Q: Why do I have to pay to access the content on this website?

A: This site is for People wanting to find ‘Our’ government truths and criminal activity evidence through government
documents. Some People comment the site access should cost more for the information contained, while others question ‘Why Pay’ for what the government will send for no charge through information act requesting.
With 860,000,000 government documents now stored in government archive facilities in all states, try to put your
hands on one at no cost to you.


Membership to this low cost site provides time saving benefits! A test of this site’s value for those in question is;
What is the name or date on the government document which first changed the House Representation number
requirement from our constitution ‘Law’?


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